Friday, April 9, 2010

Old peoples Output

I guess what i take as common knowledge is lost on a lot of people. I mean the idea that hooking up a cable box to a tv is a well kept secret from most semi educated people makes me laugh. I spend most of my days telling people that a cable comes from a wall, plugs into the IN on the box and then a cable comes from an OUT on the box to the IN on the tv is humorous. Cable has been around for awhile so you would think that anybody that has a 2nd grade education understands this, but alas this is not the case. Then what really makes me laugh is when people say its my fault that their tv doesnt work when the tv is not on channel 3 or a wrong input. Word to the wise, what ever someone from tech support ask you to do something, do it. You are calling them, they are getting paid to help you. Otherwise they might just start asking you to do crazy things for no reason while they play games on excel.

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